VA Native Plants in the News

The following native plant oriented editorials are from the Richmond Times Dispatch. The first one is by RTD opinions editor, Pamela Stallsmith, and the second one is a response to Pamela by our own NNNPS President, Ted Munns. 

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articleKyle Langford
Plant of the Month Nov 2018: Highland Blueberry

Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium x. marianum, a hybrid of V. fuscatum and V. formosum), are versatile native shrubs or small trees which provide four seasons of interest in eastern Virginia. They can grow 10 feet or more in height, often with several trunks. Young branches are light green with a zigzag pattern which is more obvious in winter after leaf fall.

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American Beauty-berry is a favorite native with it shiny bright berries in the fall that provide good food for warblers and other migrating songbirds. Photo by Betsy Washington.

The Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNNPS) will host its annual native plant sale from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, September 8 at Wicomico Parish Church (Episcopal) on Rte 200 in Wicomico Church.

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articleJudy Lang