Plant of the Month March 2021: Eastern Redbud

As signs of spring fill the air, I find myself eagerly anticipating the vibrant magenta pink blooms of one of our most beautiful flowering trees, the Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis. This small tree is a common sight along roadsides, woodland edges, and old fields in Virginia in late March and early April when its showy flowers create a lovely haze of magenta in the spring landscape.

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Plant of the Month February 2021: Common Hackberry

The Common Hackberry is one of our most adaptable native shade trees and is also among the best trees to plant for wildlife. The trunk of hackberries has smooth gray bark covered with distinctive warts, bumps, and corky ridges and is one of its most recognizable features, especially in winter. They have a graceful upright habit with arching limbs and fine-textured, pendulous branch tips, often tinged red in winter. This rugged tree is full of ornamental character sometimes with picturesque twisting branches and small twiggy, tangled growths at the tips of twigs, known as ‘witches brooms’.

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2021 Spring and Fall Landscaping with Natives Webinar Series

The “Plant Northern Neck Natives” campaign, of which Northern Neck Native Plant Society is a partner, is pleased to be collaborating with other campaigns across the state to offer a series of 12 webinars - 6 this spring and 6 this fall. The webinars will guide you through the why and how to turn your home garden into a beautiful retreat for your family and a native habitat for birds and other wildlife.

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articleTedd Munns
Plant of the Month January 2021: American Beech

American Beeches are one of our most magnificent native trees, beautiful in every season, especially winter. They are also one of the most easily recognized of our eastern deciduous trees, with their silvery gray bark that appears “cast from molten pewter”. The massive trunks appear smooth to the eye but are slightly rough to touch and sometimes likened to elephant hide. American Beeches are slow growing but reach heights of 60 – 80’ and are known to grow as tall as 120’. This tree has massive smooth trunks with fluted bases that give way to a tracery of fine silvery branches accented with rich brown narrow pointed buds. Oval leaves alternate down the fine branches and are lined with small regular teeth along the margins and distinctive parallel veins on either side of the mid-rib. The lustrous leaves are almost translucent when held up to the sun, casting a dappled light under the trees. The leaves emerge a glowing chartreuse in spring, and light up the woodlands once again in fall when they turn a rich copper which glows against the silvery gray trunks. In winter, some of the leaves curl and fade to a light parchment color and hang on the branches, especially on younger trees and on lower branches of older trees, creating a lovely contrast with the gray trunks and surrounding forest.

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Betsy Washington highly recommends these two upcoming talks

Betsy Washington highly recommends these two upcoming talks, for which some will have already seen earlier promotions, by a couple of our more accomplished native planters. Chris Ludwig is already known personally to some, and has previously given at least one in-person talk to the NNNPS. Please try to make time for one or both; if unavailable at those hours, we’ll try to get the url for their recordings and publicise them when released.

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articleJudy Lang
Plant of the Month December 2020: Skunk Cabbage

As the winter solstice approaches, I am already anticipating the blooms of our earliest spring wildflower, Skunk Cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus. The buds of this winter blooming wildflower begin to appear in our region as early as December and the flowers often start to bloom by New Year’s Day. As one might imagine for a wildflower that manages to bloom and attract pollinators in the dead of winter, this plant has developed some remarkably interesting adaptations to the cold and even snow cover.

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Plant of the Month December 2020: Skunk Cabbage (Copy)

As the winter solstice approaches, I am already anticipating the blooms of our earliest spring wildflower, Skunk Cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus. The buds of this winter blooming wildflower begin to appear in our region as early as December and the flowers often start to bloom by New Year’s Day. As one might imagine for a wildflower that manages to bloom and attract pollinators in the dead of winter, this plant has developed some remarkably interesting adaptations to the cold and even snow cover.

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Plant of the Month September 2020: Arrow-Wood

The Viburnums are a wonderful group of native landscape shrubs with multiple seasons of interest. Arrow-wood, Viburnum dentatum, is a standout among them and is native to the Coastal Plain of Virginia including all of the Northern Neck, where it is found in moist floodplain forests, wet flatwoods, seepage swamps and even tidal and alluvial swamps. Despite its affinity for moist soils, it can also be found in dry upland woods.

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NNNPS Fall Native Plant Sale, Sept. 19 – Oct. 10

New Format and New Opportunities!

NNNPS has had to change the venue and format of our popular Annual Fall Native Plant Sale this year. We have worked out a wonderful agreement with Carolyn Quinn of Dug In Farms on Fleets Bay Rd, to sell our Native Plants and are offering many new features to making shopping convenient and safe.

This year’s Sale will be held EVERY DAY from Saturday, Sept. 19th, through Saturday Oct 10. Our beautiful Native Plants will be on sale every day during these four weeks so you can shop at your convenience and avoid the crowds. Volunteers will re-stock plants each week to be sure we have fresh supply of plants available during the entire sale.

Knowledgeable Volunteers will be on hand each Saturday morning from 9:00 – 12:00 (Sept. 19, Sept. 26, and Oct. 3 and 10th) to help you pick the perfect native plants for your gardens. We will have our free Guide to Northern Neck Native Plants, and other helpful brochures on Designing Bay Friendly Landscapes with NN natives, and on Deer Resistant and Salt Tolerant plants.

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articleBetsy Washington
Plant of the Month July 2020: Purple Passionflower

Driving along sandy roadsides and fields of the coastal plain in summer, it is always a delight to find our native Purple Passionflower, a deciduous vine with dark green, three-lobed leaves and exquisite, showy flowers and edible fruit. This vigorous vine is native to the southeastern US from Kansas to Pennsylvania and southward and to Florida and Texas. In Virginia, it is most common in the southeastern coastal plain and outer Piedmont. Occurring in both Lancaster and Northumberland Counties, it is one of the hardiest Passionflower species.

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