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12:00 PM12:00

NNNPS Meeting

Our April monthly Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant will be held on Thursday, April 18, at the Lancaster Community Library beginning at noon.  The topic is "Protecting Your Shoreline with Native Plants" being presented by Carol Martin, a certified Virginia Master Gardener, and a board member of our NNVNPS Chapter.

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12:00 PM12:00

NNVNPS Presentation and Tour of the Shiloh School Native Plant Garden Thursday, May 18th Noon Program

The Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNVNPS) is pleased to invite Chapter members and the public to a presentation at the historic Shiloh School on Thursday, May 18th starting at 12:30. The school and garden are located on Shiloh School Road off Jessie duPont Memorial Highway (Rt. 200) between Wicomico Church and Kilmarnock.

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12:00 PM12:00

Northern Neck Chapter, Virginia Native Plant Society Native Plant Propagation Workshop

The Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNVNPS) is delighted to welcome member Pat Lust as our in-person speaker for our, Thursday, April 20th meeting at the Wicomico Parish Church, 5191 Jessie Ball DuPont Memorial Hwy (Route 200) in Wicomico Church. Pat will present an in-depth program on a wide variety of techniques for propagating plants.

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1:00 PM13:00

NNVNPS Meeting with a presentation by Janet Davis

The Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNVNPS) is opening its 2022 public program series with a public virtual meeting to be held on Thursday, March 17th at 1:00 pm in the comfort of your own home.

The Chapter’s Zoom presentation is entitled “Great Natives for Tough Sites: Using Native Plant Communities as a Guide for Better Designs” and presented by Janet Davis (photos above), owner of Hill House Farm and Nursery, a leader in raising native plants of the mid-Atlantic.

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12:00 PM12:00

CANCELLED March Meeting of the Northern Neck Native Plant Society


This month’s speaker will be Susan Lindsey, a United Kingdom transplant to the Northern Neck, former teacher and world traveler. Ms. Lindsey’s program is entitled “The Romance that Soured: Chemicals in the American Garden” which traces the changes throughout the twentieth century in the philosophies, technologies and cultural attitudes that affect the way we garden.

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9:30 PM21:30

October Meeting of the Northern Neck Native Plant Society

The Chapter will have a presentation by Dr. Pam Grothe, a University of Mary Washington Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Dr. Grothe received her Ph.D. from the Paleoclimatology Lab at the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department at Georgia Institute of Technology. Her current research involves a study of climate variability over the past 6000 years through the analysis of coral fossil records. Dr. Grothe’s presentation, entitled “A Christmas Tale Of Corals And Climate”, will concern research she conducted on Christmas Island.

Following the theme of last month’s presentation, the Chapter will have a related presentation on climate change and sea level rise. Our speaker, Dr. Grothe, is a paleo-climatologist whose research is focused on climate change in the ocean by studying geology and coral reefs. “The chemistry in their skeletons reflects the temperature and salinity of the ocean at the time the coral was living”, thereby providing us with clues as to the changing climate over thousands of years, said Dr. Grothe. A recent published estimate for “sea level rise is astonishing, which is about twice as high (6.6 feet by the end of this century) as what we previously thought. It would displace millions of more people living in low-lying coastal regions."

The program will also feature the Chapter’s Conservation and Horticulture Chair Betsy Washington’s introduction to the our now blooming beauty Seaside Goldenrod, Solidago sempervirens, the NNNPS native plant of the month for October.

We invite the public to attend and feel free to bring a brown bag lunch; some snacks and beverages will be available. We will have a social lunch and announcements for a short while before our featured presentation.

The Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society is one of 11 chapters in the state. It is a volunteer non-profit dedicated to the protection and preservation of the native plants of Virginia and their habitats, in order to sustain for generations to come the integrity of the Commonwealth’s rich natural heritage of ecosystems and biodiversity for purposes of enjoyment, enlightenment, sustainable use, and our own very survival.

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June Meeting of the Northern Neck Native Plant Society
12:00 PM12:00

June Meeting of the Northern Neck Native Plant Society

The Northern Neck Chapter (NNNPS) of the Virginia Native Plant Society (VNPS) is delighted to host Rebecca Wilson, a long-time friend of the chapter, who will be “Telling the Story of Longleaf Pine Restoration in Virginia,” at noon on June 20 in the Parish Hall of the Wicomico Parish Church (Episcopal) on Route 200 in Wicomico Church. 

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NNNPS February 2019 Field Trip!
12:00 PM12:00

NNNPS February 2019 Field Trip!

We are going on a field trip! to the Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) on Thursday, February 21, 2019. This day trip will be in lieu of a program at our regular venue. The Chapter will sponsor the entry fee for members. There will be organized car/van pools so members (and guests) will need to register with Paula Boundy on email by February 15th at 8:00am:

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12:00 PM12:00

NNNPS November Meeting

WE WILL HAVE A NOVEMBER MEETING on Thursday, November 15th at noon with a presentation by David Bryant, a Wildlife Biologist with a Co-Op program under the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Virginia State Game and Inland Fisheries Service and Virginia Tech. It will be about his grassland restoration work and the steep decline in birds and pollinators. It will be a very interesting program. We will also elect new officers for next year.

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NNNPS October Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

NNNPS October Meeting

The September meeting of the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNNPS) will be held on Thursday, October 18th at noon at the Wicomico Parish Church (Episcopal), on Rte 2000 in Wicomico Church.  

Brian Barnes, Lancaster County’s Environmental Compliance Officer, will review the County’s efforts with environmental matters, emphasizing wetlands and invasive plants species and the Chesapeake Bay Act.

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NNNPS September Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

NNNPS September Meeting

Wetlands Preservation in Virginia by Kati Rubis, The Nature Conservancy

Free and open to the Public - the September meeting of the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNNPS) will be held on Thursday, September 20th at noon at the Wicomico Parish Church (Episcopal) on Route 200 in Wicomico Church.

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NNNPS February Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

NNNPS February Meeting

February 15, 2018 Meeting - The Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NNNPS) invites the public to its first meeting of 2018 at 12 noon on February 15 in the Parish Hall of the Wicomico Parish Church (Episcopal) on Route 200 in Wicomico Church.

“We are delighted to announce that wildlife biologist Lauren Cruz will address Building Habitat at the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge,” said NNNPS president, Kevin Howe. “One of four refuges in the Eastern Virginia Rivers National Wildlife Refuge Complex, its four units protect 8700 acres of land along the Rappahannock between King George County and the Laurel Grove Unit near Farnham.”

 Cruz has a diverse background in biology and wildlife conservation, having studied otter populations, bird strikes at wind turbines and nesting shorebirds. She investigated light sensitivity among Olive Ridley Sea Turtle hatchlings at a national park in Costa Rica for her M.S. research.

 Howe added, “After stints in other mid-eastern states, Lauren now conducts vegetation surveys at the Rappanhannock River Valley refuge units, where she is making a positive contribution to environmental conservation and management."

Bring a brown bag lunch; light refreshments may be served.

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